A “Brand New” GCRC Has Emerged?

Every two years – on even numbered years – Republican unit committees in Virginia do what is referred to as “Reconstitution”. In this State Party Plan mandated action, a Mass Meeting is held where anyone who declares and identifies that they are a Republican get together “En masse” and vote on who will lead party interests for a two year period. The ‘Who Will Lead’ part is based on who files for the position or who is nominated to do so. The actual rules for this are defined by what is called “The Call”. The Call is issued by the out-going and former executive leadership. The procedure for this is established by “Roberts Rules of Order” and by the republican “State Party Plan”.

There are some problems with this design. The most notable one is that republicans in a particular county don’t typically know (or in many cases simply don’t care) about this. In the old days, this was communicated by publishing the Call in the local newspaper (ridiculously expensive). Now its done by placing the “Call” on the Republican Party of Virginia’s website. Does anyone reliably read the local paper anymore? Does anyone know where to find the, or even know about RPV’s website? It’s almost as if you have to know the people in the know – and who are they anyway? Undeniably a tough to crack situation.

Despite these realities, a useful number of folks catch on and gather at the Republican Mass Meeting to (among other things) play a role in the deciding on who leads republican interests for the next two-year period.

On March 20th, 2024, Goochland Republicans gathered and made the decision. Buddy Bishop was the sole filer and was deemed the Chairman of the local republican committee for another two year term.
33 Goochland delegates were elected to the 5th republican district convention April 27th.
19 Goochland delegates were elected to the State convention (May 31 – June 1st).
57 Committee members were elected. At the GCRC business meeting in April, the committee will elect the members of the executive committee for secretary, 1sy Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and Treasurer.

With all this the committee is reconstituted and by definition “Brand New”.

If you meet the requirements and would like to apply for membership – click here.

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